Household electricity bills skyrocket –

Direct-gain solar heater panels with integrate...

Image via Wikipedia

After reading this article

Household electricity bills skyrocket –

I am glad we decided to pull the trigger and are getting a solar powered water heater from Renewable Energy Corp. I can’t wait to take a shower without having to pay to heat the water. If you interested let me know…I plan to hold a Solar open house so they can discuss solar options for anyone interested.

Solar Links

UC Berkeley Redesign of Solar Water Heater

Image by AIDG via Flickr

Since we are making the commitment to have Renewable Energy Corporation add a Solar Hot Water heater to our house I thought it might be helpful to add links to various solar sites.  So I just posted the following solar links to my blog: Renewable Energy Corporation, Solar World and Going Green DC in the links section. I am sure there are others so if anyone has suggestions please forward them to me.   I must admit I am not a solar expert but really want to make a difference in our community and the World in general.  So as I learn more about solar and renewable energy I will post some facts and maybe even conduct polls in an effort to educate others and encourage renewable energy use.

We’re going solar!!


Just signed an agreement to go with a solar hot water system.  More details to follow…

Ok looks like we are  the guinea pigs at Chancellors Row and are excited about not only trying to get greener but also about saving money in the future.  We met with Brad Rigler on Saturday to discuss solar options for our new home at Chancellors Row.  Brad is the Director of Solar Services at Renewable Energy Corporation.    Our plan is to begin installation of a Solar Water heater and hope to add at least another 1KW solar panel (Photovoltaic) in the near future.  Renewable Energy Corporation is the local Solar World licensed installer.  We plan to post post photos of the work and holding a Solar open house upon completion of the project so that interested homeowners in Chancellors Row or Brookland can come and see the work first-hand and have the chance to meet representatives from Renewable Energy Corporation.  If you are interested in learning more about going green or receiving an invite to the Solar open house then drop me an e-mail.

The good news for going green is that DC is issuing solar grants now that we are in a new fiscal year.  You can find more information about going green in DC at Green Energy DC or at Renewable Energy Corporations page about local, State and Federal tax credits.

If  you feel you are ready to pull the trigger and go green contact Renewable Energy Corporation click this link to get to the free estimate request form.   Tell them PaulOutLoud sent you.

Chancellors Row Shout out

Modern Dance
Image by Kevin Eddy via Flickr

Just wanted to take a moment to say hello to all our new neighbors and give a Chancellors Row update.  I think I will now be able to provide more timely updates as we get settled. Wow, it has been crazy the last few weeks.  We are finally moved and begin to organize stuff in our home at Chancellors Row.  We are hoping to get out and explore the neighborhood a little more.  I think this weekend we are going down the street to learn more about the Dance Place on 8th street. They offer family-friendly performances, workshops, classes, school assembly programs, and school performances at Dance Place and off-site in schools for kids, students, families and community organizations.  This Saturday is their Family Festival and we are hoping to enroll Reese in a class.  She loves to dance. They also hold a monthly market to raise money to support the various dance programs.  They accept gently used items and it seems like a good place to find a bargain.  The next scheduled market is Saturday, 3 December. In other news ABDO held their ground breaking for its mixed use development last week.  Wouldn’t it be awesome to get a grocery store within walking distance? 

Three items of interest for those living or buying in Chancellors Row: First, I am arranging to have a Solar World Representative come by to discuss solar options for our community and to allow homeowners to schedule solar consultations.  I think that we might be able to get better pricing if we can get a few people on board.  I was reading an article that indicated that it is a good time to look at solar options. The article indicated that the solar community is facing consolidation and over production and as a result pricing for solar panels is decreasing and DC has re-started its Solar initiatives.  If interested in attending the solar workshop or arranging for a consultation send me an e-mail so I can send you the information.  Second, I am trying to see if there is any interest in trying to establish a community food co-op with a local grower.  Again I believe that if we can get a few people on board we probably can get them to deliver fresh local food right to our community.  Third, I wanted to take the time to ask for the community to support EYA’s food drive to support Food 4 Families.  Just drop off non-perishable food items at the sales office between now and Sunday, November 20. 

Finally, living in Chancellors Row appeals to you please feel free to contact me.  I would love to share our home buying experiance with you and we may provide a different perspective and answer some of your questions.  In addition, if I refer you and you purchase an EYA home you get $1,000 after closing.  So drop me a line if you would like some additional money to furnish your home and are interested in being a part of our community of amazing people.